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Patients and Visitors: St. Michael Medical Center

No-weapons policy

For the safety of our patients and team members, we have a strict no-weapons policy. Absolutely no weapons of any kind are permitted on our premises. This includes firearms, knives and any other items that could be used as a weapon. Any person found in possession of a weapon will not be permitted entry.

At St. Michael Medical Center, we’re committed to providing you with a safe and comfortable patient experience. Below you’ll find some helpful information for patients and visitors so your stay with us will be as smooth and pleasant as possible. Our staff is always available to discuss any questions you may have.

Contact us

St. Michael Medical Center
1800 Northwest Myhre Road
Silverdale, WA 98383
Maps & directions

General information

  • Parking is free for both patients and visitors and available in lots around St. Michael.

    Valet parking–Free valet parking for patients and visitors Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ridgetop entrance.

  • Patients and visitors may quietly use personal cellular phones inside the hospital so long as the devices do not interfere with patient privacy or the hospital̠s healing environment.

    A phone is located in each patient̠s room. There is no charge for local calls; however, the hospital does not provide free long-distance phone service. All long-distance calls from our patients’ rooms must be collect or charged to the caller’s home phone number or credit card.

  • Orozco Family Café

    6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week
    The Orozco Family Café is a full service restaurant located on the ground floor of St. Michael. Choose from a variety of hot and cold meal selections, including sandwiches, snacks, and main courses.

    Cafe Menu

    Grill Menu

    Catering services

    Planning a meeting or event? Catering services are available throughout the organization. Call 360-744-8552 to speak our catering services staff.

  • Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals and clinics provide auxiliary aids and interpreter services to ensure that our patients and visitors have effective communication. If you have a preferred language other than English or if you are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf blind, you can access language and interpreter services at no charge. Learn more about our language and interpreter services.

  • Lost and found items are held in the security office, call 360-744-8942 for more information.

  • Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Foundations build relationships that inspire charitable giving. Our volunteers help us fulfill our mission of providing quality, compassionate health care to the community.

  • St. Michael Medical Center delivers high-quality care to Kitsap County and the Olymic Peninsula community. Read more about our community resources.

  • Looking for a special gift for a patient? The Gift Shop offers a great selection of gifts for every occasion and to suit every budget, and popular snacks and treats, accessories, and small toiletries. We’re located in the Ridgetop Entrance lobby.

    Hours of operation:

    Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Patient information

  • It's easy to pay your Virginia Mason Franciscan Health bill online. Visit billing resources FAQs to learn more.

  • 564-240-1000

    Whether you’re having an outpatient or an inpatient procedure, our goal is for you to have a safe and comfortable recovery. We encourage you to take an active role in your care:

    • Follow the instructions you receive at your pre-admit appointment, like fasting for 12 hours or refraining from smoking before surgery.
    • Provide a complete a medical history, with information about any allergies and medications you may be taking, including vitamins and herbal remedies.
    • Ask questions about your procedure and follow-up treatment.
    • Have a plan for when you’re discharged from the hospital.

    When you arrive at our facility, visit the reception desk in the main lobby, located inside the main entrance. We’ll direct you to our registration offices or the same-day surgery unit, also located on the first floor.

    A registration specialist will welcome you to the campus and answer any questions you may have. You’ll also need to fill out some forms. To make this process as seamless as possible, please bring your insurance card(s) or and legal identification. Forms to be completed include:

    • Consent
    • Insurance
    • Financial forms

    Additional admission information


    A safe is available for your use. However, we encourage you not to carry valuable items or large sums of money, as we cannot be responsible for them.

    Special needs

    If you have special needs, such as a hearing or vision disability, please let your registration specialist or nurse know. Devices we have available include those for hearing amplification, closed-caption devices for TVs, TDD telecommunications and telephone or clock attachments.

    Fragrance-free zone

    Many elements in the environment can trigger or influence health and disease. In consideration of others who may suffer from chemical sensitivities and/or allergies, we request that you refrain from wearing scents such as perfume, cologne, hairspray, or aftershave when at St. Michael. When sending or bringing flowers to a patient, ask the florist to suggest less fragrant selections.

  • You may receive a discharge plan prior to leaving the hospital. This plan, which our licensed social workers create, provides a short-term road map for the kinds of help you may need when you go home. Our highly specialized social workers will educate you on the various parts of the plan.

    For more information on discharge planning, call our Social Work department at 360-744-6604 (toll-free in Western Washington at 1-800-281-4042, ext. 6584).

  • Each patient room has a telephone and TV.

    There is no charge for local calls; however, the hospital does not provide free long-distance phone service. All long-distance calls from our patients’ rooms must be collect or charged to the caller’s home phone number or credit card. Cell phones may be used inside the hospital so long as their use does not disrupt patient care or the care environment.

  • When you entrust your care to us, we strive to provide care in the safest environment possible. If you have a concern about patient safety, quality of care or other problem, we encourage you to first discuss them with your physician or ask to speak with the manager of that area. 

  • Our professionally trained chaplains are available to provide emotional and spiritual support and honor what matters most to you through compassionate listening, crisis intervention, grief and bereavement resources, and patient advocacy. Chaplains provide respectful spiritual and emotional care to people of all faiths, beliefs, and values. Chaplains are available daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

    To request a chaplain visit, speak with the bedside nurse or call the Spiritual Care office 564-240-2501/02.

    Interfaith chapel

    The chapel is located on level 2, near the Main Lobby. This space is set aside for quiet reflection and prayer for patients, visitors and staff of all faiths. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Bereavement Support Program

    The Bereavement Support Program has been established to assist those family members who have lost a loved one while they were a patient at our Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals. Learn more about the program and find support group offerings.

    The Gift Shop

    Looking for a special gift for a patient? The Gift Shop offers a great selection of gifts for every occasion and to suit every budget, and popular snacks and treats, accessories, and small toiletries. We’re located in the Ridgetop Entrance lobby.

    Hours of operation:

    Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Healing garden

    Hospitals have used natural landscaping, gardens and fresh air as components of healing for centuries. The Healing Garden at St. Michael Hospital continues with this tradition, offering patients, visitors and staff a natural and beautiful setting for quiet conversation, contemplation, healing and prayer.

  • Our patient stories speak volumes about the compassionate care we provide to patients and families. See how we’re making a difference and helping people live longer, healthier lives.

For additional resources for navigating your hospital stay, visit Patient Information.

Visitor information

  • Parking is free for both patients and visitors and available in lots around St. Michael.

    Valet parking–Free valet parking for patients and visitors Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ridgetop entrance.

  • While St. Michael Medical Center has no set visiting hours, our guidelines about visitors vary, depending on the patient’s needs. In some cases, a friend or relative may remain overnight.

  • Visitors are welcome at St. Michael Medical Center during our visiting hours. View our Visitor Information page for additional information

  • View our Accommodations & Amenities page for area hotel options and more.