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VMFH Patient Transfer Centers

VMFH Transfer Center

The Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Transfer Center is your trusted and reliable partner to seamlessly connect your patients to our network of world-class care teams, 24/7.

Call 1-866-341-VMFH (1-866-341-8634) and then select "1" for Virginia Mason Medical Center or "2" for all other hospitals).

To transfer emergent acute stroke patients (<24 hours from stroke symptom onset) to Virginia Mason Medical Center, please dial 844-220-4673.

In order to transfer a patient, we will need the following information:

  • Referring provider’s name, contact number, and facility
  • Patient’s demographic information, diagnosis, requested level of care needed, and medical specialty requested

Our Transfer Center is staffed around the clock by highly-skilled registered nurses who will:

  • Facilitate the necessary physician consults to assess patient condition and coordinate a safe care handoff
  • Collect and document clinical information and prepare to receive the patient
  • Facilitate the electronic transfer of images
  • Keep you informed of the status of your transfer request

Trauma transfer information

Our Level II Trauma Center at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma accepts trauma transfers from EMS and hospitals inside and outside of our system in accordance with protocol, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Learn more about trauma services.

Please call the trauma transfer line at (855) 872-8626 (855-TRAUMA6) to request a transfer to St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma. The trauma transfer line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are answered by a transfer specialist.

  • If possible, please be prepared to provide the following information when requesting a trauma transfer.

    • Is this a trauma transfer or consult? 
    • Patient information including, name, age, date of birth, sex
    • Name of transferring hospital 
    • Emergency department provider’s name
    • Mechanism of injury
    • List of primary injuries
    • Is the patient intubated? 
    • Have they been hypotensive?
    • Have they received a blood transfusion? 
    • Has there been any decline in their GCS?
    • Is the patient on anticoagulants? 
    • Have images been pushed? 
    • Did you activate trauma at your facility?

    Patient information requested for Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Trauma Transfer Center