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Patients and Visitors: St. Francis Hospital

No-weapons policy

For the safety of our patients and team members, we have a strict no-weapons policy. Absolutely no weapons of any kind are permitted on our premises. This includes firearms, knives and any other items that could be used as a weapon. Any person found in possession of a weapon will not be permitted entry.

At St. Francis Hospital, you’ll find a healing environment for you, your family, and visitors. Thank you for entrusting us with your care.

Contact us


St. Francis Hospital
34515 9th Avenue South
Federal Way, WA 98003
Map and directions

General information

  • Free parking is provided for patients and visitors in the designated parking areas. Security officers are available upon request to escort visitors and others to their vehicles. If you’d like an escort, please ask a nurse to contact security.

  • Patients and visitors with laptops and other wireless devices will find fast, convenient, and free broadband service in the Emergency Services department, cafeteria and select waiting areas.

    Users should note the connection is not encrypted and users assume all responsibility for access.

  • The cafeteria is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; breakfast 7 to 10 a.m.; lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; dinner 4 to 7 p.m. On Saturday and Sunday, hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The coffee shop is located in the Outpatient Center lobby and is open Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vending machines are available outside the cafeteria and near the Emergency Department.

    Our patients are provided meals approved for their unique health conditions by a team of health care professionals and prepared with each patient’s treatment and recovery in mind.

  • Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals and clinics provide auxiliary aids and interpreter services to ensure that our patients and visitors have effective communication. If you have a preferred language other than English or if you are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf blind, you can access language and interpreter services at no charge. Learn more about our language and interpreter services.

  • Lost and found items are taken to the hospital’s Security Office.

  • Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Foundations build relationships that inspire charitable giving. Our volunteers help us fulfill our mission of providing quality, compassionate health care to the community.

  • Patient and family web pages are Internet-based tools that enable patients or their families to build web pages to keep family and friends updated on developments in the patient's condition and treatment.

    The web pages are easy to access and navigate. They can display photos and information, and allow visitors who have been invited to leave messages for the patient.

    The links below will take you to websites that allow you to create free patient web pages:


Patient information

  • It's easy to pay your Virginia Mason Franciscan Health bill online. Visit billing resources FAQs to learn more.

  • 253-944-8100

    Floor plan and visitor guide

    Whether you’re coming in for an X-ray, treadmill stress test, or daily injection, you’ll need to check in at the registration desk. We need to know you're here, and if applicable, update your patient information to keep it current.

    Bring with you:

    • Your insurance card
    • A photo ID (e.g., driver’s license)
    • Emergency contact information
    • Current employer's address and phone number
    • If your regular physician is located out of the area, his/her contact information
    • In addition, you may be asked by the department to which you're being admitted to bring in X-ray films or other medical records
    • If you have a Living Will or Advance Directive, bring a copy so that it is made part of your medical record

    If you’ve been sent to the hospital from your physician’s office, you must register before being seen in the Emergency Services department. If your physician has sent you to the hospital to be admitted to any other department, keep in mind that we need orders from him or her before that admission can be completed. If you or a loved one is arriving by ambulance, the clerk can handle your admission, or a family member can provide us with the information we need.

    While you’re in the hospital, your care may be coordinated by a hospitalist, a physician who specializes in the care of hospitalized patients. St. Anne Hospital has a team of hospitalists to provide care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your hospitalist will work closely with your personal doctor to ensure your care is coordinated and your provider will be fully informed about your progress during your hospital stay.

    Preparing for your visit

    If you have an appointed time for a test or procedure, please arrive 15 minutes early or as instructed by the scheduling staff in order to avoid delays. If you’ll be going home following a procedure, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home. If staying overnight, you may choose to bring your own toiletries, but please leave valuable items (jewelry, cash, credit cards, etc.) at home.

    Please be prepared to list all medications and herbal supplements you take as well as previous surgeries, resulting complications and problems related to an anesthesia, medications or allergies.

  • Each patient room has a telephone and TV.

    A phone is located in each patient’s room. For local calls, press nine and then the phone number. For long-distance calls, press zero to reach the operator who will place the call for you. All long-distance calls from patients’ rooms are toll-free.

    Courtesy phones are located at several locations in the hospital.

  • When you entrust your care to us, we strive to provide care in the safest environment possible. If you have a concern about patient safety, quality of care or other problem, we encourage you to first discuss them with your physician or ask to speak with the manager of that area. Please call our Patient Safety Hotline at 253-426-6289 if you have concerns about safety that have not been addressed.

  • A pharmacist is on duty at the hospital 24 hours a day to fill the pharmaceutical needs of our inpatients.

    Also, most prescriptions can be filled and over-the-counter drugs obtained at the Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Pharmacy in the St. Francis Medical Pavilion on the hospital campus. The retail pharmacy is open from 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday to serve patients and the public. The phone number is 253-944-4040.

  • Our professionally trained chaplains are available to provide emotional and spiritual support and honor what matters most to you through compassionate listening, crisis intervention, grief and bereavement resources, and patient advocacy. Chaplains provide respectful spiritual and emotional care to people of all faiths, beliefs, and values. Chaplains are available daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

    To request a chaplain visit, speak with the bedside nurse or call the Spiritual Care office 253-944-4015.

    Interfaith chapel

    The chapel is located on the fifth floor of the Birch Wing, across from the laboratory. This space is set aside for quiet reflection and prayer for patients, visitors and staff of all faiths. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is a Prayer Request Book, where you are invited to ask for prayers on behalf of yourself or a loved one.

    Healing gardens

    Hospitals have used natural landscaping, gardens and fresh air as components of healing for centuries. Located outside the Cafeteria, the Rose Garden at St. Francis Hospital continues with this tradition, offering patients, visitors, and staff a natural and beautiful setting for quiet conversation, contemplation, healing, and prayer.

    Bereavement Support Program

    The Bereavement Support Program has been established to assist those family members who have lost a loved one while they were a patient at our Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals. Learn more about the program and find support group offerings.

  • Our patient stories speak volumes about the compassionate care we provide to patients and families. See how we’re making a difference and helping people live longer, healthier lives.

For additional resources for navigating your hospital stay, visit Patient Information.

Visitor information

  • Free parking is provided for patients and visitors in the designated parking areas. Security officers are available upon request to escort visitors and others to their vehicles. If you’d like an escort, please ask a nurse to contact security.

  • Regular visiting hours are generally from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily for all areas of the hospital.

    After regular visiting hours, visitors to the hospital must enter through the Emergency Services department and check in at the nurse station. From there, a security officer escorts visitors to the patient’s room.

    Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult when visiting the hospital.

    Visitors may be required to follow certain procedures, depending on the condition of the patient. The nurse staff will provide specific instructions for visiting these patients.

  • Visitors are welcome at St. Francis Hospital during our visiting hours. View our Visitor Information page for additional information

  • View our Accommodations & Amenities page for area hotel options and more.