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For Employers and Payors

Concierge medicine — Dare Center

The Lewis and John Dare Center is unique among concierge medicine programs in the Seattle area. Unlike private practice concierge medicine programs, the Dare Center offers members personalized primary care that is fully integrated with an award-winning hospital and clinic specialists. Our offices have full access to the electronic medical records, digital imaging, specialty practices, and support structure of Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. Learn more.

Executive health program

The executive health program at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, in Seattle, started more than 40 years ago with a handful of companies that recognized the benefits of comprehensive exams for their top executives. Today, we serve more than 200 companies with customized medical testing. Learn more.

Transforming health care

In 2002, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health embarked on an ambitious, system-wide program to change the way it delivers health care and in the process improve patient safety and quality. It did so by adopting the basic tenets of the Toyota Production System (TPS), calling it the Virginia Mason Production System, or VMPS. Learn more.

Virginia Mason Institute

The Virginia Mason Institute can provide you with education and training in our management method, known as VMPS. There are several training options available. You can explore VMPS, increase your existing lean knowledge, obtain help in applying lean methodology to your organization, or get transformational training and coaching. Learn more.

Workplace services

You can trust our expertise and experience in helping employees with health problems return to work safely, confidently and as quickly as possible. Our Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation team can help with workplace ergonomics issues, disability management, injury prevention programs, and more. Learn more.