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Breast Cancer Awareness - Yvette Fosberg: Patient Stories

In February of 2018, Yvette’s husband Brock prompted her to schedule a mammogram, her first in five years. (Brock’s sister was currently receiving treatment for breast cancer, so he wanted Yvette to get screened too.) Yvette began having annual mammograms at age 40 because her grandmother had breast cancer, so she wanted to be proactive about prevention. But all these mammograms came back clear, so she stopped after age 45.

Prior to the 2018 mammogram, she wasn’t having any symptoms and didn’t detect any breast lumps.


After her mammogram at Women’s Health & Breast Center at St. Francis in Federal Way, she received a call requesting another mammogram and an ultrasound. After the second mammogram she learned that she had a suspicious area that required biopsy. Her biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in her left breast.

Scheduling her first surgery took several weeks, and the surgery was fairly lengthy and complex because her cancer had spread to one lymph node. Because her breast tumor was close to the skin, some cancer had spread to the skin, so she had another surgery in April to remove those cancerous skin areas.

Today she is recovering at home and awaiting chemotherapy and radiation. She is hoping to feel more energetic in time for the Mariner’s game!

“The Breast Center at St. Francis was nice, quiet and calming. It didn’t feel like a doctor’s office.”

“My primary care provider worked with me at the beginning [of the diagnosis] and from there it was Dr. Haslinger, the surgeon. She’s been great. There have been some surprises; the first surgery was supposed to take just two hours and took six because my lymph nodes were tangled up. She was really good at explaining everything, and in following up with me afterward.”

“I just want people to know that you have to get your mammogram, even if you don’t have any signs. If it hadn’t been for the mammogram I would never have had a clue that something was going on.”