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Digestive Health Research

Research is an important part of what we do at the Center for Digestive Health, where our providers are actively involved in clinical research studies and identifying promising advances in digestive disease. A long history of leadership in research, including decades of breakthroughs in digestive disease care, has led the way for more effective treatments and improved patient care around the world.

Bringing new treatment options to patients

Our dedicated team of clinical research scientists, coordinators and assistants at the Center for Digestive Health work together to bring new treatment options to patients across the spectrum of digestive disease. They also work with investigators to screen potential clinical trial participants, determine patient eligibility, help schedule procedures, collect patient data, and explain trial protocols to patients. For sponsors seeking sites for clinical trials, the Center for Digestive Health offers many advantages.

The original research of the Center for Digestive Health team is published and presented each year in hundreds of original papers and book chapters and at regional, national and international conferences. In addition, the Center for Digestive Health sponsors numerous patient databases, ranging in topic from inflammatory bowel disease to colon cancer screening, that supports both research and patient quality initiatives.

For providers: Research grants and facility information

The research staff at the Center for Digestive Health have years of experience and expertise in protocol management, study implementation, and study coordination specific to digestive disease, and are involved in preparing and submitting Institutional Review Board applications, protocols, consent forms, and other regulatory documents. The Center for Digestive Health is also pleased to offer annual research grants to any attending, resident, or fellow (MD, PHD, ARNP, PA) in any department or specialty who treats patients with digestive disease.

Physical research facilities

  • Dedicated exam room in the gastrointestinal clinic for research study patients
  • Five-bed Phase I Clinical Research Center with 24/7 nursing support in our hospital
  • Patient accommodations include overnight beds and showers
  • Equipment includes refrigerator, minus 20-degree and minus 70-degree freezers, centrifuge, ECG
  • Monitor rooms with Internet access for research monitor visits
  • Dedicated research pharmacy

Research team

  • Senior clinical research coordinators are certified through the Association of Clinical Research Professionals
  • All staff, including providers, are Ethics and Good Clinical Practice certified
  • Staff experience ranges from six months to more than 10 years
  • Average time on the team is four to five years
  • Statistical analysis is readily available

Research experience

  • Phase IIA—IV drug and device clinical trials
  • NIH-funded studies and a strong industry-sponsored research study pipeline
  • Investigator-initiated studies funded through extramural sources
  • More than 20 studies started and completed in the last 12 months

Learn more

Learn more about our providers and find help for your digestive disorder at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.